Chapter 24 - The Grape Harvest
“Ciao Mama, ciao mama!” Flaminia shouted out at her mother as she danced and laughed with the other women at the annual grape harvesting festival. Flaminia loved this place so. And she couldn’t wait to take over the running of it with her brother Giuseppe, soon to become il Conte Grimaldi.
And her heart was so happy she thought she might almost explode. With her long brown hair flowing in the wind as she spun and she danced. And her long legs had all the men looking. Particularly her adoring and protective brother. Those legs that were laid bare that one day as she hitched her skirt up to be able to better tread the Grimaldi Estate grapes.
But she mainly smiled with those big brown eyes of hers as she looked over adoringly at her parents. They seemed somehow older now, as they hugged each other, with their splattering of grey hair, both staring out into the distance. Both looking up at Monte Amiato. Both smiling.
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