Chapter 17 - A Visit from the Police
It was a few days later that he came knocking. Angela didn’t know what to do, but he somehow forced his way in. The police chief, il Comandante Luogotenente Vernaccia banged at her front door one evening all dressed up with that peacock on his head and she had to let him in. He said that it was police business and a matter of the utmost importance. He would not take no for an answer and he was starting to make a scene in the Piazza. So Angela had little choice..
As he followed her up the stairs she could hear him panting. He even dragged his foot on each step. She shivered. Once they arrived at the top of the stairs she knew he was drunk. She could see it and then she smelt it. His cheeks were red and his eyes puffy. They bulged at her like a goldfish through a bowl.
She told him that Bruno was sleeping and that he must be quick. It was dangerous to be in the house. Thank goodness she had whisked the dummy into Bruno’s bed before opening the door to the police chief. She managed to get il Comandante to sit on the sofa in the living room. Then she raced off to the kitchen to open some wine. She had to play for time. She still didn’t know why he was there.
As Angela reached for the for the wine she suddenly felt him behind her. He grabbed her while whispering,
“You have been a naughty girl haven’t you. Oh, what a naughty girl.”
Angela froze as she felt his hands all over her like a pair of spiders. His breath and chin and mouth scrambled across her neck. He reeked of alcohol. His stubble scratched her. There was nothing she could do. She tried to push his hands away and she scrunched up her neck. He didn’t stop. It was as though he couldn’t.
Then she froze and all at the same time she gave in. She gave in again like she did with the old Conte and she gave in like she always did with Bruno. And she hated herself. She despised her very weakness. She was pathetic. She felt it in her stomach.
But il Comandante didn’t care. He grabbed at her and sucked on her and kissed her hard. Then he ripped at her dress until she stood there in only her black lace underwear. Then he gasped and he ripped at his clothes. Not enough to spoil them though, they were far too smart. And then he pressed himself against her. She felt herself succumbing she almost felt like she might enjoy it. Then something snapped inside her. Finally something snapped as she felt this tall, pale old peacock of a man breathing and groaning and pressing himself against her. So, she persuaded him to be quiet and to go with her to the spare bedroom. He followed her.
She told him to take his underwear off and lie on the bed. Then she turned the light off and slipped out. She could hear him squealing in anticipation. When she returned she left the lights off until she had the tripod and camera in place. He never even noticed. Then she slipped the lights back on and jumped on him. She sat on him in all his glory. He went wild and she photographed them. She photographed them as he went wild all over her and as he fondled and sucked on her breasts.
Then she forced herself from him and ran telling him to wait, to wait for another surprise. The pompous old peacock, he even assumed that she was enjoying him. How could she not. Well he soon knew differently as she returned with the shot gun and that look on her face. He knew that look and he did exactly as she told him. He did exactly as she said. This woman took charge of him with her bare breasts and that gun pointed straight at his head. And she looked fabulous to him even then. So he got dressed and he agreed to everything she ordered him to do and he left. He even forgot his peacock hat.
And when he had gone Angela fell to the floor and cried. She cried and she cried and she banged her head slowly and forcefully against the wall. She just couldn’t take it any longer. She couldn’t go another day. She felt finally defeated.
copyright ©Philip L Letts 2007
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